
It has been 3 years since I started Skateagy. In the first year was the first album, Dreams and Journeys. The second year was skateboards. In the last little while has been new songs, redone songs, and redone skateboard designs. Blog and social media posts have been mixed in with all of those things as well. I feel like there has been a lot of progress especially in the last six or so months. I have felt like I’ve rebooted Skateagy in a lot of aspects; the logo, the bio, etc. It is amazing to look at that technically it’s been three years since I tried to put my original music out into the world. I haven’t gotten big yet, but Skateagy is still here and is still something important to me because of what I’ve made it. I hope that this year I can actually see things take off, and that I can continue progressing in what I’ve done.