Dreams and Journeys

Dreams and Journeys out now! Head over to the Buy page to grab it!


    • I’ll Be My Dream Someday
    • What I Can See
    • Life’s a Story
    • Don’t Wanna Leave My Dreams Behind
    • Friend’s in Journeys
    • Country Try
    • Journeys Don’t End
  • and three others!

About the Album

The songs in the Dreams and Journeys actually were mostly wrote last year. Most of them were also wrote during my first semester of college. I was a little discouraged and frustrated at points, but hopeful at others. A lot of the songs actually focus around the dream of being a music artist which has a long back story.

The meaning of I’ll Be My Dream Someday is that I had a dream and I knew I needed to get better at my skills. I was not the best at what I did, but I wanted to get better to achieve the level of the music that I listened to and be able to do my dream. This song is hopeful that I could reach that potential someday.

What I Can See is wrote from a different persons perspective. Something from the outside looking inside. It could possibly be said that it was myself looking and trying to find who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do. If I really wanted to go for the dream I had. There’s also another part to the meaning of the song and that is all the questions that sometimes come into my head.

Life’s a Story brings out one of my perspectives on life of life being a story. One of my other favorite things to do other than music is to write stories, and I like a book when I find one to read. I have analyzed books that I have read and found that there are certain things in a fiction story that match life a little bit. Another part of the meaning of the song is that no one knows exactly how life will go. There are things that have to be figured out, and decisions to make that influence the outcome. Along with this, there are things to help teach us what is right and wrong, what we are supposed to do, and what we should and should not do. When a decision is made we have to choose to be happy with it or not. Sometimes we’ll look back on something that happened and have a different perspective on it, but are we going to be fine with what we did, or are we going to be unhappy with ourselves and beat ourselves down for it.

Don’t Wanna Leave My Dreams Behind has a meaning of trying to find answers to questions and not having all the answers at one time. It also is about looking inside myself for the answers because at the time when I wrote it that was what a lot of the questions I had were about. The clues could not be found on the outside they were on the inside. I also had to learn to be more patient with myself and realize what I wanted to do. Along with who I wanted to be.

Someone that is always in a fiction story no matter how small the part is, is a friend or mentor. That is what Friends in Journeys is about. It is about looking at my friends and being glad that they have been my friend because they have helped me out a lot. That is what friends and mentors do in stories.

Country Try has a meaning of hope to do something that is amazing someday. It talks about my hope of doing something that I considered amazing and having my skills be what I wanted them to be someday. It also brings out that sometimes the dream you have is what carries you or continues to push you or whatever way you would put it. The song has a few personal parts of realizing how a trait I have works into things and kind of helps in a way.

Journey’s Don’t End is looking at the big picture. There are small journeys that I have, but then there is one over arching journey that starts from when I was born and goes through my whole life. It has the meaning of even though I have started putting my music out into the world, that it is really the beginning of a small journey in life. That the Dreams and Journeys album won’t be the end of the dream, journey, or story of my music or life.