Longing coming out Soon!

With Longing coming out soon, here is some background information on it.

Longing has been coming along for a couple of years now. I actually wrote it while I was producing my first album a couple years ago. As I was going a rough college semester (while producing my first album), I started having ideas for more songs and another album. Although it would be a while longer before other things for a new album would be decided. Longing didn’t get on the first album because I didn’t feel like it matched the theme of the first album. So, after writing Longing, it sat for a while. Although Longing is actually more about longing for/missing someone who was influential in your life, it came out as a love song and I wanted the music to be like an older rock love song. Also, not all of the lyrics in Longing were there at first. The last verse was added after it had sat for about a year. The last verse also takes the song a little further than the first two. The last verse is more along the lines of dating; finding someone like the person you missed/longed for.

Also, it took me a while to decide on a title for the song. I didn’t feel like, missing/miss you was exactly what I wanted as part of the title because I felt like the feelings I was trying to express were stronger than that. After a while of thinking about it, I realized that longing was the word I was looking for.

There will be more information about the release date for Longing coming soon!