Life’s A Story (2021) Releasing Soon!

Previously I have expressed about liking to write stories, read books when I find one, and how I think about life being like a book. I still think life is sometimes like a book. There have been ideas I’ve had over the last couple of years that follow this thought. I’m super excited to be able to start putting my ideas out there. One of the first ones in the new year, goes back to my first album again. My song, Life’s A Story.

Like What I Can See, Life’s a Story is another song from my first album that I’ve redone. The song is mostly the same except for the lyrics and the recording. The lyrics has a new verse and chorus. The form is also a little different compared to the original.

New lyrics came to me while up at college studying Music Technology just like with What I Can See. The new lyrics take the original idea a little further. Originally a lot of the lyrics talked about how our decisions/choices affect our own story, but it did not express anything on how other’s decisions/choices or world events can affect our story. The new lyrics do that very simply and express about the choice of happiness with those things too. Part of these lyrics came to me because of a rough patch that had happened in my life and I was learning to accept what had happened so I could be able to move on from it. It can be hard to accept how things happen in our life/story sometimes, but in stories the hero is always able to find a way to get back up on their feet and do what they are supposed to do. This is something I had thought about a lot. I have thought that there are a lot of things that influence the hero so they are able to be the hero of the story.

Along with the song, there will be a video too. I’ve always wanted to do a video for my songs, but have not always had an idea for one. Life’s A Story was in that boat. During this last year, I finally had a video idea come into my head of how I could represent the lyrics. So, be on the lookout for the song and a video. Along with other projects I’ve been working on coming soon.